Federico Cappelli

iOS & macOS Dev into the wild

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Torrent Hound (1.4.1)

Search for torrents everywhere and download them wherever you want

Download Torrent Hound app Download (Min requirement: macOS 13)

Torrent Hound for macOS is the best way to search for and download Torrents. Avoid dodgy websites, annoying advertisements and dangerous pop-ups while downloading torrents from multiple sources in just one click.

Supported search engines:


Download Torrents locally or by using a remote Torrent Client such as a home server or NAS, without using browser extensions, bash scripts or moving .torrent files around.

Supported remote clients:


Diagnose problems in one click and configure search or download.

Details, Bug report and Features request

Please visit the project’s GitHub page and fill in an Issue to report a bug or request a new feature like the support for a new search engine or a new remote torrent client.


1.4.1 (28/02/2024)

1.4 (12/08/2023)





Download Torrent Hound app